
Annäherung an James Matthew Barrie
von Heinz Günnewig


What a magnificent book! And to think Barrie has had to wait all this time to see such justice done to his work. It is perhaps a shade ironic that this justice should stem from the partnership of a di­stin­guished German professor and an award-winning designer, but then Barrie´s story is full of irony. At the time of his death in 1937, he was one of the most widely-read authors in the English-spea­king world, but today his fame rests almost entirely on his ´terrible master­piece´ Peter Pan. He was also the richest, despite having giv­en all his royalties in Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street Hos­pital for Children in 1929, which only goes to de­mon­strate the huge popularity of his other novels and plays, rightly remembered and celebrated in this splendid volume. Perhaps the greatest irony of all is that, thanks to his gift, ´The Boy Who Would Not Grow Up´ con­tinures to help so many other children to do just that.

Andrew Birkin, Wales, November 2009

ISBN 978-2-87971-045-7
1. Auflage 2009
336 Seiten
Hardcover, Fadenheftung

Herausgeber und Verlag
Universität Luxembourg

Idee, Konzeption, Texte
Prof. Dr. Heinz Günnewig, seit 2008 freier Mitarbeiter in der Fakultät für Sprach­wissen­schaften und Literatur, Geistes­wissen­schaften, Kunst und Erziehungs­wissen­schaften der Uni­versität Luxembourg

Tom Diederich

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